I started Game, Ms. Noelle as a venue where I could spout off about tennis, compile the news I found interesting, and interact with other tennis buffs. It was to be my outlet for thoughts that I couldn't share for whatever reason on the tennis boards I frequented. It was also to be my personal experiment in sports writing and commentating.However, recently I took some time to evaluate my priorities in life. There have been some developments in my participation on (or waning of interest in) tennis boards and in my own real-life/meatspace activities; as a result tennis has fallen down my list of priorities. I have also realized that I don't want to write halfheartedly about tennis; it would be a disservice and a waste of time for those who have been following this blog for the past ten months.
So, I would like to say thank you for reading and commenting. Thank you for giving me a space to talk about something I love. I'm not really sure what I've accomplished here, but it's been fun and I learned a lot about professional tennis, its quirks and its gems, and its player fandoms.
God bless you all.